Service level 2


A course is designated as Service Level 2 if it:

  • has run before
  • requires some learning design or development work
  • needs a final review and instructional design support


Instructors of courses designated Service Level 2 may be:

  • new to Royal Roads or teaching with Moodle
  • assigned to SL2 because no instructor was identified 14 weeks prior to course start date
  • wanting the course to have a final review and instructional design support
  • a course developer or faculty member who has been contracted for moderate development work
Timeline diagram for Service Level 2 courses

Key deadlines

16–24 weeks before opening: Program verifies which course to be used for copy.

  • 15 weeks before: CTET copies course contents into new shell.
  • Six weeks before: Readings and resource list is considered final, and any edits must be done by this date. Copyright clears the list in Moodle.
  • Four weeks before: All course development work complete and run through the course checklist to ensure course is ready, and the instructional designer sends the course to technical review.
  • Two weeks before: Instructional designer sends course to final review.