We strive to collaborate when we design courses. The goal is to enhance the learning experience for our students, whether they are in blended, online or face-to-face courses.
Our process involves a methodical integration of pedagogical and technological elements.
The process aligns with the Royal Roads Learning, Teaching and Research Model. It focuses on an outcomes approach to professional and applied learning.
We aim to provide engagement with learning, rather than just a text-based reading and writing experience. This means we want to build in:
- meaningful content and learning experiences
- constructive alignment between outcomes and assessments
- usability and accessibility standards for the web
Designing new courses
When we design a new course, designated as Service Level 3, we work as a team that includes:
- faculty, as subject matter expert
- a learning designer, who helps faculty to build the structure of the course to align outcomes with learning activities and assessment, and works with faculty to assure approval of the course outline
- a senior learning technologist, who helps to set up the course in the Moodle learning management system, and works with faculty to set up the gradebook and integrate other tools as needed
- a librarian to provide support for learning resources and copyright clearance
- learning technologists who perform technical quality assurance before the course goes live
- the program head, who is responsible for academic quality
While the specific responsibilities at each stage may vary across programs, each member of the team should be aware of the steps that we follow:
Phase 1: Initiate, analyze, plan
Phase 2: Design, develop, review
Download a guide that covers roles and responsibilities through the learning design process steps.