Technical review

We check the following items for every course. This review happens four to nine weeks before the course goes live for service level 1 courses, and up to four weeks before the course goes live for service levels 2 and 3.

If we find anything needing attention, we post them in the hidden Tasks Timeline page at the top of your course.

Course and resource settings

  • settings on course pages, team, forum, activity and assignment are correct
  • multiple section course settings are checked, if applicable
  • grade book weightings total 100 and match those in the assessment matrix and course schedule

Course layout and presentation

  • program standards are applied for permissions, requirements, gradebook settings, policy links, etc.
  • welcome message up to date with instructor contact information
  • Collaborate rooms created as required
  • tasks timeline page is not visible to students
  • all pages reviewed to ensure they follow Accessibility Guidelines for Course Development


  • all pages meet formatting consistency
  • external style sheets used for formatting pages
  • inline styles avoided if possible
  • tables use appropriate style and format
  • all information conveyed with colour is also available without colour


  • links (URLs) function and are formatted properly
  • links are descriptive and state where they will go (e.g., "see the assignment description" not "click here")
  • external links open in a new window
  • internal links to pages and files within the course open in the same window


  • activity titles indicate class or team settings in parentheses at the end of the title, such as "Concept Map (Class)" or "Climate Change (Team)"
  • activity names are consistent in all locations
  • dates and times consistent with schedule

Course files

Course files are displayed and linked properly

  • large groups of files are displayed in a "folder"
  • no outdated files appear (for example, "Handout-2008.doc") and are changed to date-neutral
  • media files like graphics, audio and video are stored externally on a media server, not within the course


Graphics and animations are designed, developed and presented for ease-of-use in an online environment

  • are of good quality, clear, properly sized and legible
  • fit in the middle pane and are responsive for smaller resolutions
  • alt tags describe the media
  • designed to maximize user control, such as intuitive controls for play and stop on a video clip
  • file size for multimedia items is optimized for the fastest delivery possible, without compromising quality