MADEM student on pandemic planning

Master of Arts in Disaster and Emergency Management student Jaya Bremer spoke with the Goldstream News Gazette about the City of Langford’s COVID-19 planning and response efforts.
Here is an excerpt:
“I do worry that we feel like we’re in a protective bubble here on the Island in Dr. Henry’s care because that can change anytime,” said Bremer, who’s less than a year away from completing her Master of Arts in Disaster and Emergency Management.
“It’s interesting trying to get to know a community when most of it is shut down. We have to make sure we’re staying on top of everything because our pandemic plan is being adjusted day by day. What are the best face masks? How is the virus affecting different professions? There has to be someone who stays on top of what’s going on in the news every single day.”
That’s been a key part of Bremer’s position. In April, she wrote several reports on how other countries are adapting to COVID-19 in various facets – one day she’ll be an expert on how best to approach care homes and the next she’ll be tackling how to safely reopen playgrounds and parks.
This article appeared in the Goldstream News Gazette