International Showcase 2023

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Timezone: PST

On-Campus event

In person

Dogwood Auditorium, Royal Roads University
Victoria BC V9B 5Y2

We are delighted to announce the return of the International Showcase, one of the most popular events at Royal Roads University!

The International Showcase provides Royal Roads students and staff with an opportunity to share their culture with the Royal Roads community through food, song, dance, fashion and more.

Seating is limited, so register now to join us on May 18th to travel worldwide and experience the cultures that make our community unique. 

Can't attend in-person but want to join fun? Submit a photo of you representing your culture with a message about what culture means to you to We will share submissions online and during the showcase.

Check out our past showcase videos on YouTube:

If you have any questions, please contact Student Services.

Save your seat!

Join us on May 18th to travel worldwide and experience the cultures that make our community unique.