Design Principles for K-12 Online Learning: exploring the changing nature of work of K-12 educators in British Columbia.

Elizabeth Childs received funding through a SSHRC grant to investigate the impact of educator-generated design principles on the education systems K-12 online learning.

The COVID-19 pandemic saw educators worldwide struggled to sustain learning and teaching using technology-supported practices. In Canada, K-12 educators adopted Emergency Remote Learning (ERL) practices with little or no formal support, and with an apparent lack of awareness of the deep research base in online and distributed learning. ERL was not an evidence-based approach, nor did it resemble any previously defined, arguably effective delivery modes, and yet it became the default method for many Canadian school districts and teacher education programs. This research project explores how educator-generated design principles for K-12 online learning can support the capacity of the education system to respond to the changing nature of the K-12 context.