On a Continuum of Openness: Royal Roads Experience Designing a Graduate Program in the Open

Dr. Childs used a Research and Professional Development grant to preform a literature review of the project Faculty Perspectives on Openness: Designing and Delivering in the Open.

This application is for a research assistant (RA) to conduct a literature review and initial drafting of data collection tools and for research dissemination of initial findings at the BCNET conference 2017. The funding will be used for a research assistant to conduct a literature review for the Faculty Perspectives on Openness: Designing and Delivering in the Open research project (REB submitted) being conducted by Drs. Childs, Axe and Veletsianos. Initial findings will be presented at the BCNET 2017 conference (proposal submitted). The BCNET presentation will report out on initial research findings and will share the experience of redesigning an MA program in Learning and Technology that has openness and networked learning as key design principles.