Saskatchewan Polytechnic

Bioscience Technology, Chemical Technology, Environmental Engineering Technology, Integrated Resource Management, Resource & Environmental Law, Civil Engineering Technology Diplomas

Royal Roads University

Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Practice

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Practice

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

Effective dates


Royal Roads University (RRU) agrees to facilitate the block transfer of students from Saskatchewan Polytechnic with appropriate prerequisite qualifications into the RRU programs within the School of Environment and Sustainability noted below. 

By this agreement, applicants from Saskatchewan Polytechnic who meet the requirements outlined below will be eligible for admission to RRU with full block transfer, provided all other entrance criteria (per the program admission requirements on the RRU website) are met and space remains available in the RRU program.


Saskatchewan Polytechnic

School of Environment and Sustainability Programs

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science

Bachelor of Science in Environmental Practice

Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Practice

Bioscience Technology Diploma

Approved for block transfer

Approved for block transfer

Approved for block transfer

Chemical Technology Diploma

Approved for block transfer with the addition of two university level biology courses (cellular biology recommended).

Approved for block transfer

Approved for block transfer

Environmental Engineering Technology Diploma

Approved for block transfer with a strong recommendation for students to take one additional course in cellular biology or biochemistry.

Approved for block transfer

Approved for block transfer

Integrated Resource Management Diploma

Approved for block transfer with the addition of 2 university level chemistry courses and 2 university level math courses (1 must be in calculus or physics)

Approved for block transfer

Approved for block transfer

Resource and Environmental Law Diploma

Not applicable

Approved for block transfer

Approved for block transfer

Civil Engineering Technology Diploma (Water Resources specialty)

Approved for block transfer with the addition of 2 university level biology courses

Approved for block transfer

Approved for block transfer