Gail Hochachka

Associate faculty

Leadership Studies

Gail Hochachka is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of British Columbia. She's conducting transdisciplinary research on climate action as part of the University Climate Change Coalition (UC3). Her research focuses on how to accelerate climate action among multiple stakeholders in situations where transformative changes are needed to reach climate targets. \

Her research focuses on the human dimensions of climate change, such as how low-carbon technologies and systems can better account for diverse perspectives and meanings about climate change in support of a broader social mandate for climate action.


Prior to this, Hochachka did her PhD research at the University of Oslo with a focus on how climate change adaptation could better integrate the human dimensions of climate change and be carried out in a transformative manner. She also has substantial experience working in sustainable development in Latin America and Africa. This work was largely carried out with non-profit organizations with partners in the global South, but which also included research projects funded by Canada’s International Development Research Centre. She has academic teaching experience with John F. Kennedy University, Royal Roads University and at the University of Oslo.


​​​​​​​MA in Environmental Studies

University of Victoria

PhD in Human Geography

University of Oslo

Associate Coach Certificate

Integral Coaching Canada

BSc in Environmental Science

University of Western Ontario


Hochachka, G. (2021). The power of scaling up, out, and deep: Transformations to sustainability in a changing climate. Geoforum (submitted).

Hochachka, G. (2021). Finding shared meaning in the Anthropocene: Engaging diverse perspectives on climate change. Sustainability Science, (in press),

Hochachka, G. (2021). Integrating the four faces of climate change adaptation: Towards transformativechange in Guatemalan coffee communities. World Development, 140, 105361.

Hochachka, G. (2020b). Unearthing insights for climate change response in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Global Sustainability, 3, e33.

Hochachka, G. (2020a). The scenic route: A developmental approach emphasizes the importance of human interiority in transformative approaches to climate change. Integral Leadership Review, 16(1), 28.

Hochachka, G., 2019. On matryoshkas and meaning-making: Understanding the plasticity of climate change. Global Environmental Change 57, 101917.

O’Brien, K., Hochachka, G., Gram-Hanssen, I., 2019. “Creating a Culture for Transformation,” in: Feola, G., Geoghegan, Hilary, Arnall, A. (Eds.), Climate and Culture: Multidisciplinary Perspectives Warming World. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA.

Veland, S., M. Scoville-Simonds, I. Gram-Hanssen, A.K. Schorre, A. El Khoury, M.J. Nordø, A.H. Lynch, G. Hochachka, and M. Bjørkan. 2018. Narrative matters for sustainability: the transformative role of storytelling in realizing 1.5°C futures. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 31:41–47

Hochachka, G. 2015. Integral Transformation of Value Chains: One Sky’s Integral Leadership Program in the Brazil Nut Value Chain in Peru and Bolivia. Integral Leadership Review January-February 2015.

Hochachka, G. 2013. “Chapter 13: International Development” pp. 247-276 In: DiPerna and Augustine, 2013. The Coming Waves: Evolution, Transformation, and Action in an Integral Age. USA: Integral Publishing House.

Morgan, D., Hochachka, G., Budhwa, R., & Daust, D. (2012). Applying Livelihood Methods for Climate Change Adaptation (p. 46). Retrieved March 1, 2021:

Hochachka, G. 2012. Engaging the Play of Consciousness in Sustainable Development. Spanda Journal: Consciousness and Development 2.0 An Operating Manual. 3/1

Hochachka, G. 2010. Integrating Spirituality in a Post-Secular Approach to Development. Trialog: A Journal for Planning and Building in the Third World. 107/4: 27-32.

Hochachka, Madrigal, Flores, Cáceres, Tenney, Núñez, Tejeda and Delgado. 2012. Climate Resilience: A Field-Guide for Photo Voice in Climate Change Adaptation Engagement. Report by Drishti-Centre for Integral Action and Centro Bartolomé de Las Casas.

O’Brien, K. and G. Hochachka. 2010. Integral Approach to Climate Change Adaptation. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice. 5(1)

Hochachka, G., S. Thomson. 2009 “Towards an Integral Monitoring and Evaluation.” Report by Drishti-Centre for Integral Action with Amazon Conservation Association, Funded by IDRC.

Hochachka, G. 2009. Developing Sustainability, Developing the Self. An Integral Approach to Community and International Development. Victoria, BC: Trafford.

Hochachka, G. 2009. Dynamism and Depth of Integral Applications in International Development. Journal  of Integral Theory and Practice, 4(2), pp. 125–150

Hochachka, G. 2008. Case Studies in Integral Approaches in International Development. Journal of Integral Theory and Practice. 3(2) 58-108

Hochachka, G. 2006. Case Studies on an Integral Approach to International Development—Overview and Synthesis Report. Drishti-Centre for Integral Action

Hochachka, G. 2006. “Integral Community Development in Post-War El Salvador: Centro Bartolome de las Casas.” Case Studies on an Integral Approach to International Development. Drishti-Centre for Integral Action

Hochachka, G. 2006. “Developing Leadership from Within: Use of the Integral Framework in UNDP’s Leadership For Results Programme to Reverse the HIV/AIDS Epidemic.” Case Studies on an Integral Approach to International Development. Drishti-Centre for Integral Action

Hochachka, G. 2004. Integrating Interiority in Community Development. World Futures Journal of General Evolution. 61(12) pp 110-126

Hochachka, G. Integral Community Development: Integrating Communities, Ecosystems and “Interiority” in the Development Process in San Juan del Gozo, El Salvador. Thesis manuscript, University of Victoria, May 2002

Price, K. and G. Hochachka. (2001) “Epiphytic Lichen abundance: effects of stand age and composition in Coastal British Columbia.” Ecological Applications 11(3), pp. 904-913.

Hochachka, G. (1999) Complexity in Community Forestry Groups in Costa Rica - How the International Network of Forests and Communities Can Be Useful to All. INFC - The International Network of Forests and Communities, POLIS Project on Ecological Governance.

Hochachka, G. “Food Powers Social Change in El Salvador.” Alternatives Journal, Winter 1999 Volume 25, Number 1.