Gender Inclusive Just Transitions

Dr. MacArthur used Research for Professional Development funds to hold webinars related to her SSHRC Connection Grant which seeks to develop and strengthen networks of women and non-binary researchers

Energy systems globally are in the midst of significant restructuring, from pressures to decarbonize, decentralize, diversify and decolonize. However, women are significantly underrepresented in both energy industry employment and academic energy research. Women make up 48% of the paid workforce globally but just 22% in oil and gas and 32% in renewables, and just a small fraction of ministerial leadership positions in OECD countries (IRENA, 2019). Progress on diversifying has been glacial, undermining the quality of energy research in a critical point in our climate history and on the employment prospects of women. This project will develop and strengthen networks of women and non-binary individuals working in and on energy transitions.

IRENA. (2019). Renewable energy: A gender perspective.