Margaret Soden

Master of Arts in Leadership

Related program area

I re-evaluated my values, my goals, and reset my vision.

“The Master of Arts in Leadership program at Royal Roads University appealed to me as I wanted to increase my ability to be a leader within my extended family, enhance my consulting practise and be a better leader on Boards. The blended learning approach meant that I could remain in Toronto but still pursue my studies and several of my respected business colleagues and friends had raved about the program.

The value for me can be seen in four domains: 1) I see the world differently now through my systems lens; 2) I welcome a diversity of opinion, whereas in the past I may have perceived this as a threat; 3) I truly understand the power of team; and 4) I truly understand that everyone can and should be encouraged to be a leader.

I had high expectations based on my friends' testimonials and while the program met them, I had not anticipated the value derived from the experience on so many unexpected fronts. I would have to say that completing the program was the very best thing I have done for me, myself and I in over 40 years."